The "Biosphere fish" tour with fishing (English/Arabic language)

The "Biosphere fish" tour with fishing (English/Arabic language)

In the Laishevsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan, 30 kilometers from Kazan, the fish breeding complex “Biosphere Fish” is located. Here you will get acquainted with the production of sturgeon fish, learn how small fry are raised for sale and for stocking reservoirs with fish. Visitors of the complex have the opportunity to see with their own eyes how sterlets, sturgeons and trouts are bred. In addition, on the territory of the Biosphere-Fish complex there is a fishing club “Lucky Fisher”, with artificial ponds and a store where you can not only go for a walk, but also buy the freshest fish and caviar.

group 2 pax211 $
group 5 pax210 $
group 15 pax197 $

Included: *An excursion to the "Biosphere Fish" *Fishing Extra: Barbecue - 125$
