Traditional Tatar cuisine masterclass

Traditional Tatar cuisine masterclass

from 29

The culinary traditions of Tatar cuisine have evolved over centuries. While maintaining its originality, much has changed in this cuisine: it has been improved, enriched with new discoveries and products that the Tatars learned about from their neighbors. As a legacy from the Turkic tribes during the period of the Volga Bulgaria, katyk and kabartma remained in the Tatar cuisine; dumpling-type dishes and tea were borrowed from Chinese dishes, pilaf, halva, sherbet from Uzbek dishes, and baklava from Tajik dishes. The Tatars have long been engaged in settled agriculture and animal husbandry, which contributed to the predominance of flour products and meat in dairy dishes, but various pastries occupied a special place in the cuisine of the Tatar people. The best chefs will share with you the secrets of preparing famous Tatar dishes such as chak-chak, echpochmak, vak-balish, and gubadia. You can also take part in preparing the dishes yourself.
