Museum of N.I. Lobachevsky

Museum of N.I. Lobachevsky

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The museum is located on the second floor of the “rector's house”. The museum exposition is devoted to the life and activities of N.I. Lobachevsky as a teacher, rector of Kazan University, creator of non-Euclidean geometry. One of the sections of the museum tells about the emergence and development of the ideas of non-Euclidean geometry, the history of the Kazan geometrical school, the laureates of the N.I. Lobachevsky Prize. The museum presents documentary materials, books, memorabilia of N.I. Lobachevsky, the interior of the blue living room of the Lobachevsky house is recreated. The museum has an exhibition hall consisting of three rooms where temporary exhibitions from the collections of Kazan University museums and city museums are held.
