Artworks of Russian art of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries

Artworks of Russian art of the second half of the XIX - early XX centuries

The exhibition continues the permanent exposition of the Museum of Fine Arts of the Republic of Tatarstan, telling the history of Russian art from the Middle Ages to the beginning of the last century.

The exposition of Russian art of the early twentieth century clearly demonstrates the diversity of styles and trends of art of that time, revealing in the best examples of painting the characteristic features of such major associations as “World of Art”, “Blue Rose” and “Jack of Diamonds”. The works of the artists of the association “World of Art” are presented: A.N. Benois “Oranienbaum”, A.Y. Golovin “Marquise”, B.M. Kustodiev “Lady in Blue”. Also in the halls are works of the “Union of Russian Artists”: K.A. Korovin “Still Life. Roses” and sketch ”Summer. Landscape", V.A. Serov ‘Portrait of S.M. Dragomirova’, I.E. Grabar ‘Morning Tea’. 

The appeal to the era of the past is present in the painting by S. Zhukovsky “Interior of the library of the manor house”. One can see a decorative panel by M.A. Vrubel “The Flight of Faust and Mephistopheles”, impressive in its scale. 

Venue: 57 Karla Marksa St., Kazan

For information by phone: +7 (843) 236-69-31